Insects and their Allies  

CHRYSOMELIDAE: Leaf Beetles or Tortoise Beetles

These beetles are closely related to longicorn beetles and come in a variety of body shapes from elongate or flattened to globular. The larvae of leaf beetles are also variable in shape. Some species of adults may be mistaken for lady beetles due to their oval shape. Leaf beetles range in size from 5 to 25 millimetres in length and are usually brightly coloured as both adults and larvae. Both the larvae and adults of leaf beetles are herbivores and can be found feeding on the leaves and sometimes the stems of a wide variety of plants. Due to their feeding habits some species have become pests of forestry, horticulture and agriculture, while some may be beneficial in biocontrol.

For more leaf beetle species visit the Australian Insect Common Names - Chrysomelidae section found here.