Print Fact SheetAoratothrips

Generic diagnosis

Female macropterous. Head wider than long; strongly reticulate, not projecting in front of eyes, ocellar region elevated as pronounced cylinder; occipital ridge absent, cheeks not constricted; two pairs of postocular setae; maxillary palps 2-segmented. Antennae 8-segmented, segment I without paired dorso-apical setae; III with sense cone forked, IV with one forked and one simple sense cone. Pronotum strongly reticulate, no long setae. Mesonotum entire, reticulate, with anteromedian campaniform sensilla. Metanotum strongly reticulate with triangle, median setae behind anterior margin; campaniform sensilla close to posterior margin. Fore wing with anterior fringe cilia longer than costa setae; first vein with wide gap in setal row, two setae distally; second vein with two setae. clavus with four veinal but no discal setae; posteromarginal fringe cilia wavy. Prosternal basantra membranous, without setae; mesosternal endofurca without spinula; metasternal endofurca transverse and without spinula. Legs without strong reticulation, tarsi 1-segmented. Abdominal tergites without ctenidia, with entire craspedum; tergite II without special sculpture; III–VIII with reticulation laterally, VIII posterior margin with comb laterally; IX with two pairs of campaniform sensilla; X without median split. Sternites with entire craspedum on posterior margin, II–VII with three pairs of posteromarginal setae.
Male darker than female, sternites with pore plate.

Relationship data

Thripidae sub-family Panchaetothripinae: this group is represented widely around the world, particularly in tropical areas, and comprises about 40 genera. This genus is related to Euhydatothrips from Africa (Li et al., 2018).

Biological data

No host data is available, but the species presumably live on leaves.

Distribution data

This genus was described from Java. The same, or a very similar species, is recorded widely from Thailand, Sarawak and northern Australia, as well as Yunnan in southern China (Li et al., 2018).

Nomenclatural data

Aoratothrips Priesner, 1933: 310. Type species Aoratothrips tenuis Priesner, by monotypy.

Only one species is placed in the genus (ThripsWiki, 2018), and this is recorded from southern China:

tenuis Priesner, 1933: 310.


Li YJ, Li ZY & Zhang HR (2018) A new Panchaetothripinae genus and species, also a newly recorded genus, from Southwestern China (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Zootaxa 4394 (2): 235–242.

ThripsWiki (2018). ThripsWiki - providing information on the World's thrips. <>